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Meet Sara

Welcome friends! The whole purpose of sharing my journey with you is that when people look at my family photos, my successes, and my life, they see a beautiful family that has it all. And yes, that is very much the truth. We are insanely blessed.  But my journey to get to this point is literally a long and winding road. There was a time in my life where I thought this family was not possible because of my struggles with mental health including anxiety and depression. I am so grateful to be in a place in my life now where I am blessed with an amazing career and yes, this lovely family photographed here. Let me start with my husband, Brian whom I've been married to for over ten years now, and we have the three most beautiful children, Cameron, Chloe, and Olivia.

For much of my life, I have struggled with mental illness, but the reality is, that is my past and I know I am not alone.  Through writing this book, as well as my career journey and journey as a mother, I've learned that most people I've met have struggled with some version of the lows of mental health, even if they don't have a diagnosis.

My goal in writing my book and now offering coaching, courses and motivational speaking is to now help others who are stuck in the cycle of stress and anxiety whether its professional or personal. I am about as open and honest as they come, so if you are willing to be open and honest with me back, my promise to you is that we will get you to a place where you wake up smiling, grateful, and basking in the joy that is your life, free of the anxiety and stress that you once faced with clear goals and steps to achieving them for your future.

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